
Don’t tear its walls and rafters down
Long had it served this town,
For years the symbol of Civil Law
Please do not break it down.

When Berrien Springs was the County Seat,
It proudly stood for right,
For Truth and Human Dignity
Exemplified its might.

And, so that after they have gone
Who remember those old days,
We’ll have this Landmark of our past
Forever in our gaze.

So, let us do ere we can 
To save this Honored Hall,
Make it a shrine which we show
We loved what we recall.

Poem by Dennis Jones; The Journal Era, March 1966

It is the mission of the Berrien County Historical Association to collect and preserve artifacts related to Berrien County history through exhibits, publications, research activities, educational opportunities, and community outreach programs.

The Berrien County Historical Association was established in 1968 to preserve the 1839 County Courthouse and serve as the heart of Berrien County’s past.  Since then, the grounds have expanded to include four additional buildings and is now referred to as the History Center at Courthouse Square.  Today the Square and its environs are owned by Berrien County and are under the care of the Berrien County Parks Department while the BCHA continues its mission as stewards to the history of the past.


Rhiannon Cizon, Executive Director

John Moga, Curator

Kaitlynn Potter, Museum Assistant

Nessie the Dog – Director of Moral Support/ Lead Greeter

Board of Directors

Sarah Driscoll, Barrett & Driscoll Pediatrics

Patricia Gaedeke,  Retired (legal)

Maureen Light, Private Practice

Dr. John Jarpe, Retired (education, K-12)

Dr. Brian Strayer, Retired (education)

Jim Curran, Berrien County Commissioners Liaison


The Berrien County Historical Association is proud to be a member of the following organizations